Friday, May 24, 2013

A Final Adjustment

Well, we’ve made it to the end. I’m back in the States, and it’s back to 'real life'. Now that I’m back though, there’s more than just the time difference to adjust to. Good or bad, there were things I got used to while living abroad. I was warned about reverse culture shock, so I’m preparing myself already. I know for sure things I’m going to miss, but there are some things that I’m excited to have back.

What I’ll miss:
1.   At the top of this list is a no-brainer – the people. I started some really awesome relationships while in Oxford, and I’m going to miss them. Thankfully we have Facebook and other means of easy communication, but it’s nothing compared to being in the same city (or even the same house, as the case may be).
2.   Walking – Oxford is a very pretty city. Being a college town, it was cool to see all the different buildings from different eras, the old mixed with the new. There’s just so much history that you see every day. It was a good way to stay active too.
3.   Traveling frequently – I do need a break from my suitcase, but I will miss seeing all these new and exciting places. It’s been awesome to experience so many different cultures. It makes me want to explore my own country more too.
4.   Animals. Everywhere. I loved how dog-friendly the town was. All over Europe too. People brought their pets to restaurants or stores or you just saw them walking their dogs all through town. That’s not seen as much around here. Especially with restaurants. Animals aren’t allowed near food establishments, as it’s considered unhealthy. I am happy to have my own puppies back.
5.   Pub life – Late night dinners or just a place to hang out with friends, pubs usually had some of the best atmospheres of any place I went.

The in-between:
1.   Cash – I hardly ever carried cash at home, but I did a lot in England and, I don’t know, there was a certain convenience factor to it. It seems to me like Europe in general is still a cash-based society, while the US is definitely not. You buy something here and it could be worth a dollar and you still use your debit/credit card to pay for it. I’m not sure which I prefer, so it’s still an adjustment, but I don’t know if I’m going to miss it or if I’ll slip back into using plastic like everyone else.
2.   The weather – Some might feel like I would love to be back in Texas for the sunny weather, while others might think it would be obvious that the colder temperature is preferable to the 90+ degree heat here. Well, the problem is, both are true. I really enjoyed being able to wear shorts today and seeing the sun (I missed the sun these past few months, I really did). But I hate that I get sweaty just standing outside here, not even doing anything. There has to be some sort of trade-off with everything, I suppose, but even after experiencing both, I can’t definitively say which I prefer.

What I’m glad to have back:
1.   My car – As previously state, I liked walking in and out of town in Oxford. However, Oxford is pedestrian friendly. It’s really easy to walk or bike around because it has to be. The Woodlands (or really anywhere in the US that isn’t a big city like New York) is not. Now, it does have good bike paths, so there are some places I could bike to if I really wanted…but I don’t. It also goes back to the weather. Oxford had nice walking weather that Texas simply doesn’t. Plus, I find that I enjoy driving, so the point is, it’s nice having my Honda again.
2.   Small spoons – This may sound like a trivial thing, but I do not like big silverware. I don’t know why spoons in the UK are so massive, but anything that’s not a spoon used for stirring tea is huge. I’m ready for decently sized spoons.
3.   Dancing – I have seriously missed my time at Arthur Murray while I was gone, as well as my Swing Cats people. I didn’t get to go dancing but one time at the very end of the semester. Not ok.
4.   A job – It’ll be nice to be making more money than I’m spending.
5.   Last but most importantly, the people. I’m so glad to be close to my family and my friends that live here. In fact, since I’ve been home, I’ve only had one meal at my house. All the others have been out with people, catching up on life. It’s been wonderful.

There are some other things, but these are the main ones. Oxford really became a home to me over these past few months, and anytime you leave home and move to a new place, it takes a while to get used to. It’s weird that where I’m having to adjust to now is my actual home, but I can understand the saying “Home is where the heart is” a lot more personally now.

Well, thanks for following me through this journey. I’ve enjoyed sharing my thoughts and feelings with you all who have taken the time to read it. I hope I’ve made you think at least a little, along with giving you some snippets of my life abroad. I’m not very good with endings, but every ending is just a beginning to something else. Until next time! 

Friday, May 17, 2013

All the World's a Stage

As my junior high theatre department would continue: some of us just have better seats. Some people, though, carve out their own seats. Mom and I went to a place called the Minack Theatre in Porthcurno. It’s a stone ampitheatre that sits right on a cliff-face over the sea. That alone was enough to peak my interest. As a lover of theatre and the coast, it sounded like a cool place to visit. But while the place itself is cool, it’s really the story behind the place that’s impressive.

Rowena Cade was a very determined and tenacious woman. She was also a lover of the theatre and had a knack for designing costumes and props. Turns out, she had a knack for designing buildings as well. When a group wanted to perform The Tempest, she offered her back garden for the show, but there wasn’t really a stage area for them. So, the natural conclusion she came to was to simply build one for them. It took her whole life to build this stone theatre, materials for which she dragged up from the nearby beach and the carvings in the stone which she did by hand…with nothing but a screwdriver. What a woman!

No one believed that this “frail, old woman” could have done what she did, and she did have some help from two friends, Billy Rawlings and Thomas Angove. But what a testament to this woman’s vision that, not only is the building still standing, but it’s still in use all year long. She dedicated so much time to this dream of hers, even risking her own safety during WWII to crawl under barbed wire in order to trim the grass. It sounds slightly insane, I know, but I find it so inspiring to read of someone who loved something so much, who wanted to create something for the community, that she took a lifetime to make it a reality. And just to see the legacy she’s left behind…incredible.

As Shakespeare says: ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances.’ Some people leave lasting impacts with their performance, long after they’ve left this ‘stage.’ It always gets me thinking about what I’m doing with my life, and what kinds of things I’m going to be remembered for (if I’m remembered at all). I think most of us want to leave this world in a better state than when we came, but it takes a certain kind of person to actually act on that drive and do something.

If you’re interested in reading anymore about Rowena’s story, here are a few links that can help you get started: 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Road Trip Down Memory Lane

Mom and I spent a large majority of Wednesday driving and walking through places she had been before with different people, places that hold fond memories for her and that she wished to share with me.

Our first stop was Zennor. We walked through the town, pausing at St. Senara’s Church, famous for its mermaid chair. (If you want to know more about the interesting legend, here’s the Wikipedia page, which does a fairly good job of explaining the story: Mermaid of Zennor) She took me out to the steps of the nearby coastal path, the infamous place where my grandma swears up and down Mom was trying to kill her (with excessive walking). At least, she used to. This March marked the one-year anniversary of my grandma’s death. A lot has happened in that year. Unfortunately, life doesn’t stop when we lose people. Thankfully, we always have those memories we can go back to so no one really ever leaves us, even when they are gone or far away. Our own sort of time travel.

Next we went just a little ways to the Carn Galver Tin Mine and Bosigran to see the place where one of my mom’s friends loved to go rock climbing. We even saw two guys gearing up to go climbing. I love ruins, walking, and views of the coast, so basically, it was a perfect area. The walk out to the cliffs was a bit muddy from the torrential downpour the previous night, but it was just so nice to be out in the countryside. The wind was strong, even by Abilene standards, but it really wasn’t too cold for hiking. I could’ve sat out there for a long while.

Bosigran cliffs
Carn Galver Tin Mine view from Bosigran
But there was still more to see! We kept moving west to visit more ruins. We saw Lanyon Quoit, Men-an-Tol, Men Scryfa, Boskednan (also known as the Nine Maidens stone circle), and an almost completely intact tin mine. It was kind of tricky getting to each place without stepping in mud puddles up to our ankles, but neither of us ended up with much dirt on us at all. It was quite amazing really. Dancing, it really does help with balance! So a big shout out to the wonderful people of Arthur Murray who helped give me the ability to jump from rock to rock with ease. The biggest trouble we came across was when we somehow lost the main footpath, had to hop a fence and trudge through this water-logged field to get to the road. Didn’t run in to anyone or any animals, though, so really not a big deal at all.

Lanyon Quoit


Our final stop (because, really, where can you go from here?) was Land’s End. I have now been to the furthest west land point in England. Pretty cool, huh? We were both fairly tired after having walked most of the day, so we didn’t stay too long.

At Land's End

It was a long and adventurous day. I’ve always known that walking is my favourite exercise, but I’ve developed a new love for mild hiking. As I’ve said, I just love to be out in nature, so having all these coastal paths, public land that anyone can walk on, is fantastic! I’m not ready to go scale rock cliffs or anything, but traversing fields to go see old ruins, definitely my cup of tea.

So Mom and I have been together for a week now, and so far things are going very well (not that I expected otherwise). It’s hard to believe that I’ll be back in the States a week from now though. The more time goes by, the more I’m actually looking forward to being home. As nice as it is to be in hotel instead of a hostel, I miss having my own room and my own bed and not having to wear the same four or five things over and over. You’d never know I changed clothes this whole semester by the look of my pictures! Still, I don’t want this next week to go by too quickly…

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Oh, the Places You'll Go

I really should have had this up last week, but you know what they say about time and how it gets away from you. Anyway, my semester is over, but I’m not quite finished with traveling yet. I believe I’ve mentioned that my mom was coming out to see me and that we were going to spend roughly two weeks together in the southwest part of England.

I feel like I’m a bit behind, so let me catch you up on what we’ve been up to:
·         Wednesday, I said goodbye to my Study Abroad friends. I was able to ride to Heathrow with them all, so I saw them through to security. Definitely a bittersweet moment. I didn’t want them to leave without me, but I am glad to still be in England. Besides, though it won’t be exactly the same, it is comforting to know that this isn’t really goodbye. I’ll see them all again in Abilene at some point. My mom landed late that morning, so we spent the day walking London. We went to the Victoria and Albert Museum as well as the Natural History Museum. I must say, it was wonderful to stay in a hotel and not a hostel. I met up with my friend, Dana, late that night as she was just arriving from her semester in Germany. The three of us went out to dinner, and it was great to see her again.
·         Thursday and Friday, we left London to tour my home away from home one last time. I showed Mom round Oxford, taking her to all of my favourite places, the houses, and the Quaker meeting house where we met for classes. I took her by Christ Church cathedral where I’ve been volunteering and got to say a brief goodbye to the friends I’ve made there. It wasn’t quite the proper goodbye I was hoping for, but hopefully, like those I left at the airport, this is just the beginning to those relationships I’ve made and not a permanent goodbye.
·         Saturday, I said my last goodbyes to Oxford, and we started our way south. We stopped in Glastonbury, visiting the very famous Glastonbury Abbey. Why is it so famous? A few reasons: one, it was (or still is depending on how you look at it) the longest church in England, but two, it claims to be the burial place of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. The tomb was destroyed (and no one is quite sure what happened to the remains), but the site is still marked. As our tour guide said, you can decide for yourself if you think it actually is where Arthur was buried (if you do in fact believe Arthur to have actually existed). Until proven otherwise, I choose to believe both are true.

Apparently, almost every continent has claimed his remains...
·         Sunday, we continued on our way, stopping in Tintagel to climb around the castle ruins. For those who don’t know, it’s the site of the castle that supposedly King Arthur ruled from. It was a great place to spend Mother’s Day. We spent a lot of time in the car that afternoon, but the views were stunning! England is such a beautiful country. I’m so glad to be seeing more than just the bigger cities while I’m here.
·         Monday, we took the morning to hike up St. Michael’s Mount. What a pretty place. I have two requirements now for my future house: a library and a garden. They don’t have to be grand or ostentatious, but my goodness, I need them in my future! Afterwards, we drove into Carbis Bay, where we’ll be staying for these next few days. We walked the coastal path into St. Ives. So far, St. Ives seems like a nice place…except for its vicious pests! A seagull dive-bombed me and stole my ice cream less than 30 seconds after I had bought it. I never had a chance…

Mom by "the family house" as she called it
The garden - you know, just something small will do
Outside St. Michael's Mount

·         Today, the weather was ugly, so Mom and I made a unanimous decision to make it a lazy one. Fortunately, that gave me the time I needed to get this post up!

Ok, so you’re caught up so far, but what I really wanted to share with you were some things that I’ve learned over these past four months. I have done so much and grown over time that sometimes I hardly even feel like myself anymore. Being with Mom has shown me that too. I’ve made several of the decisions on this trip (and if I didn’t have the final say, I at least had more input than before), especially while in Oxford and London. If you knew me before this semester, you’d know that is weird. I’m one of the most indecisive people ever. Even my new friend, Nathan, figured that out within a few weeks of knowing me. I’m becoming more vocal about my own opinions, more confident, I guess, that what I have to say matters. There’s nothing like traveling and having to fend for yourself to give you more self-confidence.

I’ve learned a lot about myself (what makes me tick, what my limits are, etc.) and about other people. It can be stressful being around the same 34 people, but you’re not always going to enjoy every situation you’re in, are you? You’ve got to learn how to cope with both the positive and the negative. It’s been a challenge sometimes, but most importantly a great learning experience. I’ve made some really great friends as well as had to learn to deal with conflict. Some people are going to hurt you, and others will make you feel like you’re the most important person in the world. That’s just part of life. You just have to take it all together and learn to accept both.

I’ve mentioned some in other posts how I’ve grown spiritually as well (perhaps grown more confused or open-minded, but grown all the same). Religion is a messy concept. It always has been, and I would stake a lot on a guess that it will continue to be in the very distant future. I’ve known about the messiness of religion, but I don’t think I ever really stopped to think about the ways Christianity falls into the messy category (maybe even topping the charts), or I just haven’t really allowed myself to mull over the implications of what I knew to be the messier parts. Partly because it’s easier to not have to criticize your own religion. It’s so much easier to think that it’s those other people that have the problems and the inconsistencies that they have to work through. Obviously, the group you’re a part of has it all figured out…which is why there are so many factions and denominations of Christianity. Right. Anyway, there’s still a lot to figure out, but I’ve got plenty of time.

I’ve still got a week left in this country, so I’m not going to sign off yet! I don’t like to say goodbyes before I need to. For now I’ll simply say, until next time!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Journey 9: Freedom Part 2 (Return to Scotland)

For this last travel break, I was so close to not wanting to go anywhere. Traveling really takes it out of you and this close to the end of the semester, it sounded really nice to do absolutely nothing. Fortunately, I had already promised my friend, Kimberly, that I would go with her somewhere. Like it or not, I was committed. As it so happens though, it ended up being one of the nicest trips. If you remember back to February, Kimberly was supposed to have gone with us to Scotland the first round, but got sick the morning of and ended up staying in Oxford. So I found some fairly cheap flights back to Edinburgh and said, “Let’s go.” And go we did.

We left early Wednesday morning and arrived in Edinburgh around 10:30ish. Weirdly enough, when we stepped off the plane, it felt funny to be back in a place that was familiar. It brought on a sense of déjà vu and some nostalgia, like visiting an old friend. Strange for a place I had only been once before, but my experience there had been so great the first time that it apparently had a strong impact on me.

Round 2 was different but was great in its own way. First of all, simply traveling with one other person is heavenly after traveling in groups upwards of 8 people. It simplifies things so much. We could change our minds about what we wanted to do three times in under 20 minutes, and it didn’t matter one bit. It wouldn’t have bothered me if we had, but we didn’t do any of the same activities I had done last time. We walked around and I showed her some of the places on the Royal Mile I had liked and one of the restaurants at which we ate was the same. But most of it was brand new. We visited the Royal Botanic Gardens, which were pretty even though they weren’t fully in bloom, the Edinburgh Zoo, and the National Museum. It was fun to see the famous Scottish pandas (even if they were sleeping), but the penguins were probably my favourite part. They are just so darn cute. It was nice to have one big place to visit each day, but that most of the day we could go out to eat and spend a couple hours just talking and then do some leisurely shopping before taking the evening to relax. That was the theme for this trip: relax. And it worked perfectly for us.

The strangest thing (strange as in just completely unexpected) that happened was one afternoon, I went out to get some things from the store while Kimberly did a little homework. As I was walking back to the hostel, this guy (probably in his 30s) started talking to me, as we were stopped at the same crosswalk. He was nice and friendly and didn’t make me uncomfortable at all. He turned out to be this Italian traveling accordion player. Before we parted ways, he asked if I wanted to go grab a drink to continue talking, but I politely declined. He accepted my refusal with grace and a parting, “Well, you are very beautiful. It was nice to meet you.” Then he went off to go play his accordion. It was something that had never happened to me before, and I doubt ever will again. But it was a nice little surprise and encouragement for the rest of the day.

There were no particularly moving moments (like standing on the castle ruins in Loch Ness listening to a bagpiper play my school song), but there were many peaceful moments. It was a trip I needed. I can’t think of a better place to end my semester travels or better company with whom to share it.

Tian Tian, so cute asleep

My first live wallaby!